Design Meetings
Weekly Minutes
Week 10
For next meeting:
Week 9
Start: 12:00pm
End: 12:17pm
We went over our presentation. Discussed organization of power point and how best to present our project.
For next meeting: Presentations will be complete and delivered. One final meeting to go over Panel recommendations before starting project.
Week 8
Start: 12:00pm
End: 12:35pm
We discussed the expectations for proposal day and how we are expected to submit our final project report. As far as the report goes, we are pretty much done. We only need to fix the punctuation for in-text citation (punctuation should come AFTER the brackets) We also discussed what we can include for the non-technical chapter of the report. We do not need to include social aspects but we should mention environmental risks involved in improper disposal of batteries. Also, for health and safety it should be mentioned that hacking of the app poses a risk and we should address how we will try to prevent this.
For next meeting: Finish editing the project report and turn in by end of day on Friday, July 2nd. Work on PPT presentation. Ideally have the presentation finished for the professor to approve and to give us time to practice before final proposal presentation on Friday, July 9th.
Week 7
Start: 12:03pm
End: 12:58pm
We went over the budget and timeline again to continue fine-tuning. The advisor suggested that we keep the discussion of the modules in chapter 1 more general since chapter 2 will go into more detail with the modules and we don't want our paper to become redundant.
As we near the end of the semester we are focusing more on formatting within our meetings and how best to get our ideas across in a report format.
For next meeting: Fix the Budget table (add total etc.) Add the bar graph version of the proposed timeline. Have the report finished or as close to finished as possible for final review before due date on Friday.
Week 6
Start: 12:01pm
End: 12:45pm
We discussed the uses and environment for the Red Rover operation. We also discussed minor edits to the website in regards to wording of certain requirements and how to make them more clear. Our current proposal report was looked over and our advisor gave us tips on what to include in the report as well as how to format things such as in-text citations.
For next meeting: Continue working on report. Make changes to power and monetary budgets as discussed (take off beacons, add items that were given as gift/loans etc.).
Week 5
Start: 12:04pm
End: 12:50pm
The beginning of our report was presented to the professor. We asked questions related to what information from the website should be included in the report. The advisor gave guidelines on writing the report as well as creating the proposed timeline for implementation. It was discussed once more about changing the parameters/specs of the project to make it less complicated.
For next meeting: Continue working on the project report. Update requirements (low/high level, secondary, etc.). Update website with proposed timeline, budgets, etc.
Week 4
Start: 12:02pm
End: 12:45pm
We discussed the research that was completed the previous week: Types of sensors, Omni vs mecanum wheels, Power supplies, and motors.
We went over our block diagram and discussed changes that can be made for it to be more clear.
For next meeting: Make the changes to the block diagram as discussed. Update the success criteria to make it more specific and clear. Fix the formatting on the budget page (monetary budget table is off the page). Think about the application and how to solve the navigation problems. start working on the report.
Week 3
Start: 12:02pm
End: 12:49pm
We discussed the research that was completed the previous week and presented our new block diagram. We went over the system requirements and how they should be phrased.
Discussed ways to better organize the webpage and how to complete certain sections of the page.
The advisor answered our questions regarding references and how to keep our progress log (i.e. what to include, what can be placed on other pages, etc).
For next meeting: We must deliver a full modular block diagram, clear requirements for the project, add the sections for power and monetary budgets, and the engineering specifications for each module. We must also add the success criteria page and reformat the time and effort log so that each week only takes up one row. The progress log, Time and Effort table, and the weekly meeting minutes must be reformatted so that it shows the newest data at the top of the page.
Week 2
Start: 12:00pm
End: 1:21pm
SafeSeat should be expanded to differentiate it from a previous Project.
Rove Station Is the most likely project. Similar projects have been done but Rove Station can be made to be unique.
M.A.P.S. Is too simple and will not be pursued further.
Smart Gnome is a possible project but would need to be expanded and would need something to differentiate it from other projects in the past.
Discussed project scope and how to decide on the parameters in order to narrow the idea and make it simpler to implement. "What situations are we designing this for?"
For next meeting: Add the progress log to the webpage. Create a detailed block diagram for the Rove Station showing all of the devices and how they interact with each other. Research COTS products that may be used for Rove Station. Outline the engineering requirements and specifications as well as decide on the scope of the project. What will this be used for? Finally, update the website with the new information.
Week 1
Start: 4:00pm
End: 5:04pm
Decided group partners
Decided weekly meeting times
Discussed class timeline
Discussed expectations for next meeting
For next meeting: Have 3+ ideas to present to the Professor. Ideas must be presented on the project webpage. Each presented idea must include a block diagram and a comparison table illustrating similar products available on the market and how the proposed design differs.