Final Testing Results
As mentioned in our progress logs we experienced difficulties regarding weight and load for the cart. This can be seen in the results we saw while testing the 5th success criteria. With a 50lb load the Rover was only able to move once out of 4 tries, and when it did move, the Rover was clearly struggling. Due to this and a short time frame to complete our testing, we chose to reduce the total load that the Rover carries to 25lbs. After making this adjustment, the Rover was able to move consistently and experienced a long battery life.
Overall, we feel that based on the listed success criteria and our testing results, the Red Rover can be deemed successful in its basic functions. Below is an image of the final product after we cleaned it up and made it look more presentable. Below the image you can find a video compilation of the Rover successfully completing the tasks listed in the table above. For more extensive videos, please see our progress logs.