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Multiple Arrange-able Path System

Version 1

Haunted Maze

If you've ever been through a haunted house like those at Universal's Halloween Horror Nights then you know how thrilling they can be. Many theme park guests will go through to HHN multiple times in one season to go through all of the houses available. But what if you are small company trying to create your own horror maze? Even if you are able to create an amazing haunted maze that your customers love, there are only so many times they can go through the same maze before the thrill wears off. You don't have theme park money that allows you to build 10 different mazes to keep your customers interested all season long. So what do you do?


That is where M.A.P.S. comes in. You are able to create 1 maze with multiple different endings. The thrill seekers will be able to experience a different story each time without knowing which ending/path they will take each time they walk through the maze.


Using IR technology M.A.P.S. will take the number of people in a party (entered by an operator) and count as each person enters the maze and crosses a check point. A random number generator will chose which path will be opened to the party.

Block Diagram
Idea #3.JPG

Research did not uncover any existing systems similar to M.A.P.S. Version 1. The most relevant technology found was a private home owner created his own smart home which included an occupancy counter using IR sensors. The link to his blog in below:


Version 2

Police/Military Trainer

Another use for M.A.P.S. would be for training military/police personnel. These first responders must be trained in sweeping houses and/or small buildings. Some trainer exist for this purpose. However, these trainers can only be used by the same trainee a few times before the trainee memorizes the layout. At this point, the training system becomes useless to the trainee.


The same basic M.A.P.S. can be modified to fit the needs for this type of training. Instead of paths opening while the user is inside, the training area would rearrange itself before the training session began. This way the trainee would not know the layout before entering the session. The training officer would also have a more advanced handset that would allow them to see which layout was curre3ntly being used, as well the length of time that the trainees have been inside the trainer. Additionally, there would be cameras inside the training area to allow the training officer to observe the trainees.

Block Diagram
MAPS Military.JPG

Some training systems exist to give police/military personnel real-life training in building/house settings. However, systems like MATCH (military use) and the Shoot House (civilian training) are mainly used for live fire and cannot be automatically rearranged. This means that the trainer would need to use equipment to rearrange the walls and rooms to meet their needs and it is not reasonable to expect that this would be done in between each session. M.A.P.S. Allows for immediate modularity and can allow the same trainee to go through the same system multiple times without reducing the impact of the training itself. For the Shoot House and MATCH to accomplish this, you would need to have multiple different stations set up in different arrangements which defeats the purpose of modularity.

The Shoot House
Shoot House.jpg
Modular Armoured Tactical Combat House (MATCH)
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